June 06, 2013

May News Roundup

* So I've watched this four times, and it's still giving me chills.  Chris Hadfield sings "Space Oddity" in the first music video in space! <http://io9.com/chris-hadfield-sings-space-oddity-in-the-first-music-503764317>

* Economists recommend SF! <http://noahpinionblog.blogspot.com/2013/05/science-fiction-for-economists.html> and <http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/05/11/more-science-fiction-for-economists-seriously-time-wasting/>

* Join Clarion West's tenth annual Write-A-Thon!  They're aiming for 300 participants this year.  It's a fundraiser for Clarion West, but it's all about the writing first.  For more info and to sign up, see <http://www.clarionwest.org/>

* Author Blake Charlton (SPELLWRIGHT and SPELLBOUND) writes about dyslexia in an op-ed piece in the NY Times: <http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/23/opinion/defining-my-own-dyslexia.html?_r=2&>

* We think you might enjoy reviewer and blogger Steven Klotz <http://mentatjack.com/>.  He's not only a sharp reviewer but he's also got the class to link to indi bookstores (instead of Amazon) from his site.

* The amazing 91-year-old Sir Christopher Lee (or, you might know him as Saruman) is releasing a _third_ heavy metal album -- his second about Charlemagne! <http://www.uproxx.com/music/2013/05/sir-christopher-lee-metal-album-charlemagne-the-omens-of-death/>

* Help the EFF save podcasting!  (Some of our best friends are podcasters.) <https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/05/help-save-podcasting>

* Check out the 25 coolest science fiction weapons, according to an Australian news site: <http://www.news.com.au/technology/sci-tech/ign-the-25-coolest-sci-fi-movie-weapons/story-fn5fsgyc-1226652984957>

* In May we hosted a preview of "The Pub From Another World" in the Cafe.  If you'd like to check out the recording, you can find it here: <http://sftheaterpub.wordpress.com/2013/05/28/some-echoes-of-the-pub-from-another-world/>. Thanks to Sunil Patel for directing & arranging, and herding cats. . . I mean actors!

* We're extremely sorry to report the death of science fiction legend Jack Vance at the age of 96: <http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/05/30/187231982/book-news-sci-fi-author-jack-vance-dead-at-96>

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